Local News

Stilo Screw Up:The Stop Work Order At Camper Village

November 19, 2013

By Mike Scerbo

The Italian developer that wants to facilitation three million square feet of commercial space, and bring thousands of new residents to this environmentally fragile area can't even master the art of plopping a few trailer homes in Camper Village. We have written extensively as to how the homes are unattractive and failed to get the proper permits though the State of Arizona.

Stilo also blew it when it came to getting paperwork from the Town of Tusayan. That's why the Town issued a Stop Work order. Here is a portion of it:

  • "As you’re aware the Pre-Annexation Development Agreement (PADA) stipulated that Stilo provide a site plan that has changed, according to our records, but was not formally reviewed or approved by the Town Council. Further, the First Amendment to the PADA requires Stilo to submit a Design Review application that the Town Planner, Planning & Zoning Commission as well as the Council will review and approve. It is imperative for consistency that Stilo provide these planning documents before any additional work occurs in Camper Village."

Once again Stilo has failed to:

  • Provide land for affordable Housing
  • Provide a water Supply for Its development
  • Failed to get the proper permitting for trailer homes in Camper Village

And in exchange it wants a blank check from the Town Council to develop its holdings in Tusayan.