Local News

Stilo Gets A Break On Camper Village Project

April 22, 2021

Italian developer Stilo has changed the terms of the deal it cut with the Tusayan Town Council nearly a decade ago regarding development of a hotel at Camper Village. The Town Council voted three to two to modify a zoning stipulation which said a maximum of 30% of the ground floor of a hotel at Camper Village can be devoted to hotel uses. The idea behind the restriction was to ensure mixed use of the project. Stilo wanted out of that stipulation and the Town Council said yes. It was not unanimous.

The no votes came from Mayor Clarinda Vail and Councilmember Greg Brush. Mayor Vail feels Stilo may not be in full compliance with the 2011 development agreement as it has not reimbursed the Town for some considerable expenditures. Before she took office Tusayan spent more than $700,000 over several years on lobbyists who almost exclusively worked on efforts to convince the federal government to approve Forest Service easements that would make the vast majority of Stilo’s plans possible. Mayor Vail feels Stilo should pay at least half of that bill before it gets any further considerations.

Stilo seeks to build thousands of homes and nearly three million square feet of commercial space in Tusayan. The hotel at Camper Village is part of that plan. Stilo plans to submit a plan for Camper Village within the next 90 days.